
Volume 8 - Fundamentals and structures of freight village centres (FV) in Germany - experience from over four decades

Volume 8 is a further contribution to the fundamentals and structures of freight villages in Germany (Europe). The background to this is the perception that the topic of freight village centres continues to attract a great deal of interest and is repeatedly taken up by different "stakeholders".

By reflecting on the content of the last 40 years, Volume 8 has created a picture that illustrates the complexity of the macrological system of freight villages. The result is a kind of compendium that can provide helpful orientation on the subject of freight transport centres for many interested parties in the coming years.

  • Paperback: 144 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition (2021)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-96138-295-8

 Volume 8 can be purchased here (only available in Germany).

Volume 7 - Analysing the effects of climate change on the logistics industry in Germany and identifying vulnerabilities and potential for adaptation

Volume 7 of the Macrological Nodes series is the first study to analyse the effects of climate change on the logistics industry in north-west Germany. The study offers insights into existing and potential consequences and also shows adaptation options and an outlook for the future of the sector.

  • Paperback: 285 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition (2018)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-96138-073-2

Volume 7 can be purchased here (only avaiable in Germany).

Volume 6 - Freight Villages (FV) in Europe - Results of the second European Ranking 2015 / Güterverkehrszentren (GVZ) in Europa

Many of the Freight Villages in Europe have been successfully established and positioned in the past. But how are they established within the new ranking? What can they learn from the European experience? These and many other questions focused the present study.

  • Paperback: 131 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition (2016)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-13: 9783865739407

Volume 5 - International character of the macrorologic system of Freight Villages / Internationale Ausprägung des makrologistischen Systems der Güterverkehrszentren

The study analyses the logistics facilities in more than 280 locations in the world. The book describes in details selected logistics facilities.

  • Paperback: 190 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition (2015)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-86573-880-6

Volume 4 - Freight villages of the 21th century / Anforderungen an das GVZ des 21. Jahrhunderts Dokumentation der Fachtagung am 14. Mai 2014 in Bremen

The volume is a documentation of the conference “Requirements towards freight villages of the 21th century” in May 14, 2014 in Bremen (Germany).

  • Paperback: 129 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition (2014)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-86573-815-8

Volume 3 - Green Freight Villages in Germany / Grüne Güterverkehrszentren (GVZ) in Deutschland Ein erster Einblick

The study issued by Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Nestler and Dr. Thomas Nobel analyses the current development state of freight villages. In addition the challenge and new trends in sustainable green logistics as a global and important topic were shown. In this context, the solutions of problems such as climate protection in freight village were identified and transferred into a system of factors of success. The study shows that the German freight villages make a significant contribution to the development of sustainable Green Logistics, reducing CO2 emissions from transport. This effect results from modal shift in intermodal transport.

  • Paperback: 140 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition (August 2013)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-86573-739-7

Volume 2 - 25 years of Freight Village Bremen / 25 Jahre Güterverkehrszentrum Bremen

In 2010 the freight village Bremen celebrates its 25th anniversary. It was taken as opportunity to present the successful story of development from the beginning to the present time.

  • Backpaper: 145 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition (März 2011)
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-10: 3865735967
  • ISBN-13: 978-3865735966

Volume 1 - Study „Ranking of European Freight Villages - Benchmarking of European Experiences“ / Band 1 - Studie „Ranking der europäischen GVZ-Standorte - Benchmarking der europäischen Erfahrungen“

The study assesses the level of development of the European Freight Villages by a method oriented on the benchmarking approach. The results of this process build the first ranking of Freight Villages (FV) on European level. The study will help to provide more transparency to the market segment of international logistics centres and is oriented to give a positive impulse to the further successful European development of sustainable macrologistics concepts.

  • Paperback: 130 pages
  • Publisher: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin; 1st edition July 2010
  • Language: German
  • ISBN-10: 3865735479
  • ISBN-13: 978-3865735478